Our Lab Research Publication School is here to help you write research articles that are fit for purpose.


We are delighted to be able to bring you this online Lab Research Publication School developed in collaboration with the UK EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) centre.


Lab Research Publication School with course tutors Patricia Logullo & Nikki Osborne

Who should attend?

The Lab Research Publication School is designed for life science researchers at any stage of their career plus others who are actively involved in reporting or communicating in vivo or in vitro studies using animal, cell line or human-derived material.


We believe that well written research articles that are fit for purpose do not just happen.

It requires planning to:

  • refine your message and identify your audience. We will cover an introduction to publishing, negotiating authorship and acknowledgement, plus planning your message and audience.
  • select the right journal and develop good writing habits. We will cover choosing a journal and avoiding predators, reporting guidelines (including ARRIVE 2.0 & RIVER) plus good writing styles and habits.
  • ensure the right information is written in the right section of a research article. We will cover how to overcome the blank page, summarising your article in an effective title and abstract, plus give an overview of what to write where and share tips for successful introduction, methods, results and discussion sections.
  • manage the submission and peer review process. We will cover revising and editing for simplicity, clarity and completeness, the submission process, cover letters and dealing with peer review.


Having completed this Lab Research Publication School individuals will be able to:

  • select journals appropriate for their audience and message.
  • identify and use relevant reporting guidelines.
  • negotiate authorship and acknowledgements.
  • draft and revise all sections of a manuscript.
  • manage the submission and peer review process.
  • deliver research conducted and reported in accordance with contemporary best practice.


For a more detailed course description download a copy of the Online Lab Research Publication School overview. You can also watch our FREE on-demand webinar '10 steps from research study to paper'.


Course Timetable

Day 1: Introduction to publishing; negotiating authorship and acknowledgement; planning your message and audience; choosing a journal, avoiding predators; using reporting guidelines (including ARRIVE and RIVER).
Day 2: Good writing styles and habits; getting started and keeping going; what to write where; tips for a successful methods section.
Day 3: Tips for a successful results, discussion and introduction sections.
Day 4: Recipes for a successful abstract and title; revising your work for simplicity, clarity and completeness; submission, cover letters and dealing with peer review.


Registration fee: 

£550 per person.



This registration fee includes:

  • LIVE online training sessions - with expert tutors Dr Patricia Logullo and Dr Nikki Osborne;
  • Planned activities - to develop your knowledge and understanding of learning outcomes, plus practice the skills required to implement your learning;
  • Direct access to expert course tutors for the duration of the course – to discuss any questions, practical challenges or barriers to implementing your learning;
  • A personal copy of all course content and handouts – so that you can refer back to it whenever you wish;
  • Post-session quizes to test your knowledge and understanding of the key learning outcomes.


Course dates

LIVE online course:

18th-20th March 2024 - REGISTRATION CLOSED

4th-7th November 2024 - REGISTRATION OPEN


Why book our courses?

100% of online training participant's surveyed said they would recommend their course to others.

All our courses have strictly limited numbers so that we can provide every participant with 1:1 support.

Our expert tutors are passionate about helping individuals implement best practice and empowering culture change.


Subscribe Now

To be the first to receive discount offers plus information regarding future course dates and FREE webinar events via email.



Title Start Time Total Duration To Register
LIVE Laboratory Animal Publication School                                             (18th-20th March 2024) 09:30am GMT 12 hours  FULL
LIVE Laboratory Research Publication School                                            (4th-7th Nov 2024) 09:30am BST 16 hours BOOK NOW

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